Steel Vs Aluminium – What Are The Odds?

Steel and Aluminium are the two most popular metals on the market, and while there are many similarities between the two, when it comes to steel vs aluminium there are also some key differences. 

While both are great choices, when considering steel vs aluminium, you need to have a clear idea about what you want and require from your metal. Do you want strength and reliability, or do you want variety and creativity?

Steel vs aluminium is a time-old debate, and there is no right or wrong answer, it only depends on your project requirements. Let’s take a look at some of the differences between the two.


Steel is more often than not the cheaper of the two metals. It is much harder than aluminium and as such, it is the stronger option. Steel is less likely to bend or deform over time, and so if a great choice when needing a sturdy durable structure. 

The downside of steel vs aluminium is that steel is more prone to rust and corrosion if left untreated. It is also the heavier of the two metals, so bear this in mind in your planning. 

If you are looking for sustainability, today’s structural steel is often made from recycled product and is fully recyclable once your project has come to an end. 


Aluminium is often pricier than steel, but it is a more popular choice because of its malleable nature and elasticity. Aluminium can be bent and moulded to extremes but lacks the brute strength of steel.

While it is not as strong, aluminium is much lighter than steel. It is also less inclined to corrode, and doesn’t require treatment due to is makeup.

If you are looking for more information on steel vs aluminium, and the pros and cons of either type of metal, contact Steelmor on 011 747 5700.